I have been very fortunate to have been raised by godly parents. They taught me about Jesus ever since I was very young and I have been in church all my life. When, I was six years old I made a decision. However, later I realized I hadn’t truly understood the plan of salvation. I knew I wanted to go to heaven, but I really didn’t understand what it meant to follow Jesus and to become a Christian.
At the age of eleven, I had been feeling convicted for quite a while. However, I wasn’t sure why, because I thought I was already a Christian. It was on August 13, 2003 that I realized that I was lost and was a sinner. On that Tuesday morning, I knelt down in my living room and cried out to God and asked Him to save me. Tears were trickling down my face as I experienced salvation. The curtains were open in our living room, and the sun was pouring in. Just as the sun was pouring into the windows, Jesus was pouring His light into my soul. As I was praying, I experienced a peace that I had never felt before.
After becoming a Christian, it doesn’t stop there. Jesus wants us to grow closer to Him. Recently, I realized how my life needs to be totally and completely surrendered to God. I want only what is in His will for my life. With many important decisions coming up, I want to make sure that I am right where God wants me to be. I desire to have more of a thirst for God’s Word. We can never be too passionate about Him. I pray that I will fall more and more in love with Jesus every day of my life. It amazes me and leaves me speechless that the omnipotent God indwells me. Christ gave His all for us, so we must give our all to Jesus. I praise Jesus Christ for the gift of salvation that He has freely given for all mankind. My life has never been the same since I got saved!!